77Kids Spring line is now in stores and online.
I was really happy that my travel package was part of the first flow to kick off the Spring season.
Check it out below:
Keep an eye out at your local mall because 77Kids is expanding to a few more mall locations this year!
77Kids Blizzard + Children's Hospitals
Our brand came up with a pretty spectacular event to help those in need this Holiday season.
Design your own snowflake and if 100,000 snowflakes are made by Dec 14, 77Kids will donate an additional $25,00o to Children's Hospitals. Now if that's not a good idea, than I don't know what is!
Check mine out!
Now go make your own!
77Kids Holiday
I even forgot to post about Fall! I'm behind!
Here is a sampling of what I worked on for Holiday.
You can pick something up on Black Friday! Or even make a snowflake on the website to benefit a Children's Hospital. :)
77kids BTS 2010
I'm happy to say that the BTS line is now online.
Go check it out and pick up a graphic tee for the little on in your life.
Some of my tees from this season:
77Kids launch
77Kids has officially expanded online and 7 new stores this JULY. We have been working on all three divisions, Grader, Toddler, and Baby, for over a year now, so it is nice to finally have it all up to buy!
Please, please go check it out!
Summer dropped online
Summer 2010 is now available at 77kids.com.
Only a few more months until our first 5 STORES will open for the (re)launch of the brand in FALL 2010~Woohoo. But until then, check out our great stuff online.
(below are designed by me)
I learned this week, this black t is #1 seller for the new flow of graphics. Woohoo! Didn't expect that to happen!
77Kids Spring Graphics now online
Check out here.
77Kids Spring
Spring stuff was up the week before Christmas! Can you believe that? Plus all these seem so long ago now!
Check out 77Kids for all SPRING 2010 line :)
Some work from Work--Holiday 09
A lot of the work I produced when I first started at 77Kids is now in stores (well, online, my mistake). They seem sooo long ago and old!
riding under the stars tee here
dashing through the snow tee here
peace tee here
and these are some of my favorites done by other talented co-workers:
good for you tee by joe here
superstar hoodie by keith here
danger mountain tee by steve here
snow shoe crew by keith here which is merchandised horribly on the website by not showing the back which is the best part of the graphic.
77 hoodie by steve here (I really wish I could buy this for myself, but would probably be a belly hoodie on me)
Space Time
One of the first T's I did at 77Kids is now up on the site.
Work Life
I am excited about our new fall stuff that is up on the 77Kids site. The next flow, or in other words, when a new slew of garments are put up online, this should be the start of when I started at 77Kids, so I can finally show you what I have been up to these past 8 months (wow, it's been 8 MONTHS!).
All this is done by Joe & maybe Micah (our girls team).
girls hoodie
another girls hoodie
The following done by our Boys team (Steve & Micah).
pizza man skater
eyeball dude
flocked hoodie for boys
boys thermal
Very exciting times! Our stores should be built & open for FALL 2010 (the collection we are working on right now).